Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Out of a scary movie....

So, I have worked with many different types of photographers. Some work alone, both guys and girls, and some work in teams with their significant others or another assistant. My first shoot with a male photographer was intimating to say the least. Especially when the theme is "dark/goth/fetish."
I had Jenn tag along for this shoot as well and I am truly thankful I did. I met with Benjamen of Cspine Photography at his brand new stuido. He had warned me ahead of time that the house "looked condemned" but not to worry as it would only add to the shoot. When I showed up, I felt like I was walking into a bad horror movie. The house was seriously condemned. There was fallen trees, piles of wood/debris/trash all around the house and it was just all around spooky. Had Jenn not been with me, I would have turned around and went home at the sight of that house. Guy photographer (whom I hadn't met prior to the shoot), Goth/Fetish theme, Creepy ass house....nope. I think not.

But Jenn WAS there and we went into the creepy house. Now, to add to the creepiness we had already felt, Benjamen is wheelchair bound and has some personal obstacles that contributed to the creepy meter more than helping to dispel our anxiety. That being said, after we all talked a bit our uncomfortableness was put to rest and he is a great guy and talented photographer. Since this shoot, he has remodeled his house/studio and its far less creepy from what I understand. haha.

 So the above 3 images were totally unplanned and awesome. Photographer had some costume pieces and asked if I wanted to shoot in any of them and after making a joke about the cheer leading costume we decided to do that. Once the uniform was on we decided to add the gas mask and the rusty hay hook from his collection of props. I scared Jenn by my breathing through the mask. The first shot was captured by me flailing my pigtails around for about 5 min. Talk about head rush, its surprisingly hard to breath in a gas mask! Very different, very fun concept.

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